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White Line Hotels with Maurice de Mauriac Switzerland

Daniel Dreyfuss, a former investment banker turned watch maker. The name was inspired by two legendary French intellectuals: Francois Mauriac (1885-1970) a Nobel Prize winning free thinker, and Michel de Montaigne (1533-1592), one of the most influencial writers of the French Renaissance.

They produce hand made watches of the highest quality.

Maurice de Mauriac Zurich is the only watch manufacturer in Zurich. Daniel and his team (recruited from the best swiss watch houses) hand make each watch individually.

His watches are fitted with some of the best movements, Valjoux 7750s and ETA automatics are used in his extensive collection of chronos, non-chronos, classics, vintage and aviation inspired timepieces. Not only that, but materials such as cowskin, nappa or crocodile leather are used for the bands.

If you can’t find a watch you like in his collection, he’ll custom make one for you. Customers are also able to modify their watches over time, so rather than investing in new watches, die-hard Maurice de Mauriac Zurich fans can personalise their timepieces to fit their mood.

Daniel’s atelier is located on Tödistrasse in Zurich, where every day, one of his craftsmen works at a desk in the window of the showroom. You can, of course, find him online at


Bligg in Zurich / Maurice de Mauriac

Visit at Maurice de Mauriac Zurich Brand Waches from Switzerland


What is seo?

And this is why SEO copywriters can charge a premium for their services. If you're looking for a way to start or maximize your income as an online freelance writer, then SEO copywriting is they way to go.

About the Author: Yuwanda Black is a freelance SEO writer and the author of How to Make $250+/Day Writing Simple, 500-Word Articles. Ms. Black says, "You can work from home as a freelance writer in your PJs, getting assignments via the internet. I do it every day." Learn more about how to start a successful freelance writing career.

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Many freelancers have questions about what is SEO; what is SEO copywriting; what is SEO writing. This article explains - in detail - what this is. And, how to make money from it as a freelance writer.

What is SEO?

SEO is an acronym for the phrase "search engine optimization." Search engine optimization is all about doing specific things to your website to drive more traffic to it so that you can increase online sales - and traffic.

What are some of these "things?"

There are many, but here we will discuss what it is as it applies to freelance writers. And, this means writing text in a certain way so that web surfers (ie, internet users) can land on a particular site.

What is SEO As It Relates to Freelance Writers?

What freelance writers need to be concerned with is keywords. What are keywords? Keywords are the words and phrases that web surfers type in when they search for things online.

For example, let's say you were interested in starting a foreclosure cleanup business. You may not know anything about it other than foreclosures are hot in the news right now and you are interested in starting this kind of company.

So, you log onto your favorite search engine, (eg, Google, Yahoo! MSN, etc.) and type in the keywords "foreclosure cleaning business" or "foreclosure cleaning" or "foreclosure cleanup" or some other relevant keyword phrase.

Note: When you type words into a search engine to find something on the internet, the words you type in are called a keyword (one word) or a keyword phrase (two or more words with commas in between).

How Businesses Get to the Top of Search Engine Results

When you type in these words and hit "ENTER", a bunch of sites pop up and you start to surf (ie, click on the results) and start investigating the sites to see if they have the information you need.

The sites that pop up are the results that search engines like Google, Yahoo, MSN, et al think are the most relevant to the keyword phrase (aka search phrase) you typed in. Companies pay a lot of money to be among the first two or three pages in the results that search engines return.

Why SEO Copywriters are So In Demand and How They Make Their Money

One of the ways they get to pop up in the first two or three pages of results is to have relevant text that contains the proper keyword phrases. And, this is where you as an SEO copywriter can make a lot of money. You write the text that their site needs to pop up high in search engine results.

Many times, companies will simply give you a bunch of keyword phrases and let you write what you want -- as long as it's a certain length (usually 300-500 words).

There are many freelance writers - hundreds of thousands, if not a few million. BUT, only a tiny minority know what SEO is and how to write this type of copy. And, this is why they're so in demand.

SEO copywriters have an in-demand skill. And, as more and more companies move larger portions of their advertising budgets to internet marketing, there is an even greater demand for their skills.

In the SearcheEngineWatch article, The SEO Copywriter: Wordsmithing the Web, William Flaiz, underscores the importance of an SEO copywriter. He writes:

"The role of the agency SEO copywriter is unique because. . . . Suddenly, the writer must optimize press releases, craft articles for social news, monitor social network communications, and develop wiki content. . . . a strong SEO copywriter is adaptable and capable of internalizing a lot of new information extremely quickly. These unique individuals have fast become the backbone of many SEO engagements. If content is king, then they [SEO copywriters] are the kingmakers."

And this is why SEO copywriters can charge a premium for their services. If you're looking for a way to start or maximize your income as an online freelance writer, then SEO copywriting is they way to go.

About the Author: Yuwanda Black is a freelance SEO writer and the author of How to Make $250+/Day Writing Simple, 500-Word Articles. Ms. Black says, "You can work from home as a freelance writer in your PJs, getting assignments via the internet. I do it every day." Learn more about how to start a successful freelance writing career.

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Shelly Sheaffer Capricia Video Youtube

Organic Rose Gardening

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Organic rose gardening. comes from a website that gives rose garden tips which are free for the taking at so go there and grab some tips for a beautiful fragrant rose garden.

Let's discuss organic rose gardening because it is better for your roses, you soil and your environment.

Eating organic (organic - without the use of synthetic chemicals) has been popular for sometime now because people know instinctively that organic is the way to go, it is better for our health. Natural is better. Well organic rose gardening is also considered the way to go with many rose fans and rightfully so.

Think about it, roses have been around and doing just fine for thousands of years with no problem even though there were no man made chemicals to be put in the soil or sprayed on anything. So chemicals are not a necessity to have a gorgeous rose garden. The earth and all life has existed in a state of balance sense the beginning with no problem. This balance in nature has always been maintained by Mother Nature herself. It is when man thinks he can do it better then the unbounded intelligence of Mother Nature that things start getting out of whack. And the use of synthetic chemicals to "help" our plants and to "help out" Mother Nature will throw things out of balance. Let's take a look.

When the doctor gives us antibiotics it kills all the bacteria in the body, which is a good thing because this gets us well but guess what? There are good bacteria in our intestines, bacteria which are good for our health. And all that good bacteria is killed as well. By the way the solution is to eat yogurt (or acidophilus) when you finish the antibiotics it will restore the good bacteria.

What does this have to do with organic rose gardening? Well we absorb our nutrition from the intestines (and stomach) just like rose plants absorb their nutrition from the soil. And just like there are good bacteria in our intestines there are also many good bacteria and other organisms in the soil which produce much of the nutrition needed by the rose plant.

Synthetic chemical fertilizers destroy natural soil organisms, including the good organisms, and disrupts the natural balance of the soil to the eventual detriment of the plant. With the good organisms destroyed the plant now must depend on the fertilizers for its source of nutrition. So we get some dependency going here.

Plus, (let's use the doctor/medicine analogy again) just like when people who take drugs for some health problem can become addicted to the drugs it is possible to get your roses addicted to chemical fertilizers. The more you use chemicals to "help" your roses, the more the roses will become dependent on chemicals. So now we have even more dependency going on.

So what do you do if your soil needs some help? Use some compost (compost - decayed plant matter: a mixture of decayed plants and other organic matter used by gardeners for enriching soil). The good thing is compost is free (fertilizers cost money). Most people just use table scraps. The rule is if it came out of the ground like fruit peels or vegetables it can go back into the ground if it animal (meat) it goes into the garbage. If you mow the lawn or rake up the leaves use the grass and leaves as compost for your garden.

With organic rose gardening you will have beautiful roses at less expense. Plus the soil will be preserved in its natural state and there will be no toxic chemicals that could be detrimental to people or pets. Organic rose gardening is the way to go.

powered by seo switzerland

Tomatne und Chili?

David Müller aus Zürich ist gelernter Sämereienhändler und ein absoluter
Blumen- und Pflanzensamen-Kenner. Der Botanik Pflanzen und
Saemereien Laden befindet sich an der Aemtlerstrasse 48, in
8003 Zürich.

Das Geschäft ist jeweils offen von Dienstag bis Freitag von 10 bis
19.00 und Samstags von 10 bis 17.00.

Zahlreiche Sukkulenten, Zimmerpflanzen, exklusive blühende Topfpflanzen,
Orchideen und Kakteen bereichern das umfassende, einzigartige

Der exotische und wohl einzigartige Botanik-Laden in der Schweiz ist
mit viel Liebe und mit erstklassigem Designer Mobiliar von Salome
Pinkus ausgestattet.

Seit zwei Jahren werden über 1800 diverse Samensorten für Garten
und Heim online vertrieben. Kunden aus der Schweiz, Oesterreich
und aus Deutschland, profitieren von einem einzigartigen Service
für Blumen- und Pflanzenfreunde.

Sowohl die Nachfrage wie auch das Angebot für Samen sind im UNO
Jahr der Biodiversität 2010 massiv angestiegen.
pflegt eine in Europa wohl einzigartige Auswahl, sowohl aller
klassischen und allgemein bekannten Samensorten, sowie hunderte
von exotischen und sehr seltenen Samen online an.

Der Mindestbestellbetrag für eine Samenlieferung beläuft sich
auf 5,50 Euro. Die Lieferzeit beträgt im Durchschnitt eine

Der Trend 2010 für Garten-, Blumen- und Gemüsefreunde liegt ganz
bei den auserlesenen Samen für Gewürze. Die Gewürzesamen wie
zum Beispiel Chillisamen, sind im allgemeinen sehr beliebt.

Eine gewöhnliche Samenbestellung? "Gewöhnliche" Bestellungen
sind eine Seltenheit, auch wenn jemand "nur" Tomatensamen
online bestellen möchte. Warum? Ein Tomatenkenner besucht online und möchte gerne Tomatensamen bestellen...

Was er zu seiner grossen Freude und Ueberaschung vorfindet,
ist eine Auswahl von sage und schreibe über 100 diversen
klassischen Tomaten und Tomatensamen aus der ganzen Welt.

Grüne, Gelbe, Rote und sogar schwarze Tomaten...eine Augenweide
für alle Gartenfreunde.

Biosamen für Garten und Heim sind auch sehr beliebt. Der Pflanzen-
und Blumensamen-Onlineshop hat ein sehr breites Sortiment von über
600 Biosamen aus biologischem Anbau.

Samen mit dem Label "Pro Specie Rara", Biosamen, alle Arten von
Gewürzsamen und zahlreiche exotische Samen sind allesamt gut
dokumentiert und werden online vom Online-Shop

Während den nächsten zwei Monaten ist Hochsaison: Gaertnereien
und Private säen und bereiten sich auf eine reiche Ernte vor.

Alle 1800 Samensorten aus allen Kontinenten sind sehr gut
beschrieben. Für jeden Onlineshop-Besucher/in ist der Besuch
online eine Bereicherung und bietet jedem die Möglichkeit, sein
Wissen über Biosaatgut und seltene Pflanzensorten zu vertiefen.

Auf einer Ladenfläche von über 100m2 in der Stadt Zürich haben
Kunden die Möglichkeit, direkt vor Ort Samen aus allen Ländern
dieser Welt zu erwerben.

seo switzerland


DLC Watch Maurice de Mauriac ready for Baselworld 2010


Daniel Dreifuss  and four watch makers produce and sell their watches in the MAURICE DE MAURIAC study based near Paradeplatz , right in the centre of Zurich’s financial district. The innovative entrepreneur’s passion is to develop and produce distinctive chronometers , watches which bear his very own design hallmarks.  

He likes to combine business with ingenuity and loves being inspired by others; the infinite creativity in Karl Lagerfeld , visions and solitude in Coco Chanel , melancholy and depth in Leonard Cohen . But the boldness and independence of a Johnny Depp , or the mystery and subversive art of survival in Bob Dylan , too, can give him a kick that can, within seconds, trigger sustainable developments. 

The raw materials his exclusive chronometers are made of are cowskin, nappa or crocodile leather, dull gold or red gold, steel, titanium, carbon, black diamonds, and white diamonds. Due to the non-reflecting glass, the objects, instead of drawing attention to their outer appearance, conspicuously reveal – their inner life. The height and the gauge and the gleam of the red gold or steel case, the colour and the clarity of black or white diamonds each create a different atmosphere on the dial and give each watch a unique character. 

The most striking invention of Daniel Dreifuss is the “exchangeable bezel”. The dial, the watchband, the upper part of the case, and the glass can be individually chosen and exchanged according to the personal preferences of the client. Thus, each watch becomes an exclusive, a unique specimen. Just like perfume has to be chosen according to the quality of the skin, each client of Maurice de Mauriac can be sure to get a most distinctive watch perfectly matching his or her personality. 

History of the Manufacture

Daniel Dreifuss , born in 1960, first worked as management assistent, then, in 1989, changed to the field of promotional, jubilee, and company watches under the name of Dreifuss&Partners. Whilst connected with aesthetic, but commercially oriented products in the following years, he devoted himself to further studies and acquired the necessary knowledge to become a watch maker himself. His love of materials, scents, colours, and light, finally, led him to manufacture his very own collections. In the year 1997, he founded MAURICE DE MAURIAC – ZURICH. 

He views his company as a creative family enterprise – it was only after having met Claudia Ginocchio , the painter who later became his wife, that he truly learned how to develop artistic concepts.

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Chilli, Tomaten

David Müller aus Zürich ist gelernter Sämereienhändler und ein absoluter
Blumen- und Pflanzensamen-Kenner. Der Botanik Pflanzen und
Saemereien Laden befindet sich an der Aemtlerstrasse 48, in
8003 Zürich.

Das Geschäft ist jeweils offen von Dienstag bis Freitag von 10 bis
19.00 und Samstags von 10 bis 17.00.

Zahlreiche Sukkulenten, Zimmerpflanzen, exklusive blühende Topfpflanzen,
Orchideen und Kakteen bereichern das umfassende, einzigartige

Der exotische und wohl einzigartige Botanik-Laden in der Schweiz ist
mit viel Liebe und mit erstklassigem Designer Mobiliar von Salome
Pinkus ausgestattet.

Seit zwei Jahren werden über 1800 diverse Samensorten für Garten
und Heim online vertrieben. Kunden aus der Schweiz, Oesterreich
und aus Deutschland, profitieren von einem einzigartigen Service
für Blumen- und Pflanzenfreunde.

Sowohl die Nachfrage wie auch das Angebot für Samen sind im UNO
Jahr der Biodiversität 2010 massiv angestiegen.
pflegt eine in Europa wohl einzigartige Auswahl, sowohl aller
klassischen und allgemein bekannten Samensorten, sowie hunderte
von exotischen und sehr seltenen Samen online an.

Der Mindestbestellbetrag für eine Samenlieferung beläuft sich
auf 5,50 Euro. Die Lieferzeit beträgt im Durchschnitt eine

Der Trend 2010 für Garten-, Blumen- und Gemüsefreunde liegt ganz
bei den auserlesenen Samen für Gewürze. Die Gewürzesamen wie
zum Beispiel Chillisamen, sind im allgemeinen sehr beliebt.

Eine gewöhnliche Samenbestellung? "Gewöhnliche" Bestellungen
sind eine Seltenheit, auch wenn jemand "nur" Tomatensamen
online bestellen möchte. Warum? Ein Tomatenkenner besucht online und möchte gerne Tomatensamen bestellen...

Was er zu seiner grossen Freude und Ueberaschung vorfindet,
ist eine Auswahl von sage und schreibe über 100 diversen
klassischen Tomaten und Tomatensamen aus der ganzen Welt.

Grüne, Gelbe, Rote und sogar schwarze Tomaten...eine Augenweide
für alle Gartenfreunde.

Biosamen für Garten und Heim sind auch sehr beliebt. Der Pflanzen-
und Blumensamen-Onlineshop hat ein sehr breites Sortiment von über
600 Biosamen aus biologischem Anbau.

Samen mit dem Label "Pro Specie Rara", Biosamen, alle Arten von
Gewürzsamen und zahlreiche exotische Samen sind allesamt gut
dokumentiert und werden online vom Online-Shop

Während den nächsten zwei Monaten ist Hochsaison: Gaertnereien
und Private säen und bereiten sich auf eine reiche Ernte vor.

Alle 1800 Samensorten aus allen Kontinenten sind sehr gut
beschrieben. Für jeden Onlineshop-Besucher/in ist der Besuch
online eine Bereicherung und bietet jedem die Möglichkeit, sein
Wissen über Biosaatgut und seltene Pflanzensorten zu vertiefen.

Auf einer Ladenfläche von über 100m2 in der Stadt Zürich haben
Kunden die Möglichkeit, direkt vor Ort Samen aus allen Ländern
dieser Welt zu erwerben.

seo switzerland


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The decision to look for a new checking account

The decision to look for a new checking account presents you with the immediate realization that there are literally thousands of banks to choose from. Besides the many small and midsize banks, there are a handful of large, multi-billion dollar banks that monopolize the advertising space on TV and in newspapers.

It is easy to be tempted to choose the bank with the biggest name or glitziest ads. But, of course, they're expecting you to be dazzled by their clever marketing and just sign up when you see their cool ads. However, when making your decision to select the right bank, it is important to focus on what should be most important: the value that the bank offers you, as a customer.

The most important considerations for most consumers when looking for a new bank are fee structure, convenience and security.

To help you make a good decision, here are 5 tips on how to find the best bank for a checking account:

1. Choose a bank whose accounts are FDIC-insured. This means that the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) will reimburse you for any losses to your deposit due to a bank closure or similar situation. The amount covered is currently $250,000 per depositor.

2. Find a bank that gives you ATM access almost anywhere in the country - without charging you a fee if you use another bank's ATM to make a withdrawal. Quick and ready access to your cash should be an important part of your decision in selecting the right checking account.

3. Make sure your new account has an online banking option. This means you should have the ability to transfer money among your different accounts, make balance inquiries and pay bills online from the comfort of your home, office, or anywhere with an Internet connection.

4. Choose a bank that has a forgiving fee structure. The banking industry's dirty little secret is that they made over $25 billion last year off of consumers through the charging of overdraft fees alone! In response to general consumer anger over this practice that some consumer advocates believe is abusive, some banks offer checking accounts that do not charge overdraft fees at all. Instead, for a low monthly fee, these banks will cover any overdrawn check or debit transaction (up to a pre-determined amount) without charging you an overdraft fee. This is worth looking into as it could save you hundreds of dollars per year.

5. If you have been having trouble getting approved for a checking account recently, it is likely that you have been reported to something called Chex Systems - a database that tells banks which new account applicants are potential risks. Fortunately, some banks today offer something called second chance checking, meaning that they will grant you a new checking account even if your name appears in Chex Systems. Why? Because these banks do not look at Chex Systems when considering new account applications. Have a look at a second chance checking account if getting rejected is a concern for you.

Choosing a new checking account can be a bewildering process, given all of the bank choices available to you. Consider these 5 tips when choosing the best bank for a checking account.

Need a checking account that will never, ever charge you an overdraft fee - no matter what? Check out:

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opening an account

Setting up a bank account in the Philippines as a foreigner has become quite an onerous task. It used to be one simply walked it, provided some identification, some money and opened an account. Now, after the world seems to have been taken over by terrorism, tax cheats, and international drug cartels, banks around the world are becoming more careful about due diligence when it comes to a foreigner wanting to open an account.

Requirements are basically the same at any bank, however if you have been introduced previously to the manager or one of his or her assistants, things tend to go smoother. The Philippines is a country where personal relationships are extremely important when it comes to moving through the bureaucracy of business and government organizations.

Further, things tend to go smoother is you apply at a large international bank, especially one where you may presently have an account in your home country.

Below are listed the basic requirements for opening an account.

1. Two valid identification cards. These can be your passport, driver's license, company identification card. You need to be sure you take photocopies of these documents to provide the bank for their files.

2. A copy of a billing statement of utilities and/or credit card. The bank wants a photocopy of this so they can validate your address in the Philippines.

3. Alien Certificate of Registration. This is documents which can be obtained
from the office of the Bureau of Immigration nearest your residence. The main office is in Manila, but sub offices exist pretty much in all major cities in the Philippines.

Whether opening a bank account or not, this registration is required by the Philippines government for all foreigners who plan to stay in the Philippines for 30 days or more. You will be fingerprinted and issued an ID card. The procedure is to file an application form, provide three 2" X 2" pictures, and submit what is called the E-series ACR form in triplicate. The ACR ID card also serves as the Emigration Clearance Certificate (ECC), Re-entry Permit (RP) and Special Return Certificate (SRC) of the holder.

Recognize that the ACR is NOT issued to those in the Philippines on a tourist status. In other words, if you are in the country on a tourist visa, a business visa, or even on Balikbayan status, you are not considered to be an alien for purpose of registration. The Balikbayan status is simply considered to be a special form of visitor's visa. Either one needs to be in the country under the SSRV (special retirement program foreigners), a returning resident, or an immigrant. Foreigners married to a Philippine citizen qualify for a non-quota immigrant visa (called a 13(a) Visa. If your spouse is a USA citizen, the best way for them to revert to Philippine citizenship is to become a Dual Citizen (a special program passed by the Philippine government in 2003).

4. Initial deposit equal to the minimum balance required by the bank.

5. It is also a good idea to take a copy of your Marriage Certificate, if you are married to a Philippine citizen. Some banks also require a copy of that.

Now, having submitted these documents, be prepared for an interview and some background checking by the bank before the account is opened. This will take a week or two.

Do you want to learn more specific details about opening a bank account in the Philippines and the ACR requirement? I recommend you read my newly released book "Retirement Living in the Philippines" which is available for download at:

Will Irwin is a powerful entrepreneur, and business and life coach. He has started many online and offline businesses both in the USA and in the Philippines, and he resides in both Hawaii and the Philippines.

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